The Gut Digest – Ep. 2: How to reduce constipation in your patients taking iron


The Gut Digest - Episode 2: How to reduce constipation in your patients taking iron Do your patients stop taking their iron due to constipation? This can be a real frustration, and can even highjack their clinical outcome due to the importance of iron in physiological function. If they can’t take their iron, your [...]

The Gut Digest – Ep. 2: How to reduce constipation in your patients taking iron2021-08-03T20:48:40+10:00

The Gut Digest: Lactulose and Lactose Intolerance


The Gut Digest - Episode 1: Lactulose and Lactose Intolerance Gut problems…so common in our patients! Constipation, IBS, FODMAPs intolerance, lactose intolerance…and many of our patients have more than one of these problems! Lactose intolerance is relatively common in our patients that we are seeing for bowel problems. There is often concern about the [...]

The Gut Digest: Lactulose and Lactose Intolerance2021-07-14T20:47:59+10:00


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