Does the NuvaRing Contraceptive Harm the Vaginal Microbiome?
Does the NuvaRing Contraceptive Harm the Vaginal Microbiome? Effective contraception is important, but so [...]
Lichen Sclerosus and painful sex: how physio helps
Lichen Sclerosus and painful sex: how physio helps Lichen sclerosus can be a scary [...]
No More Normafibe – What Do I Do Instead?
Normafibe No More - does this spell no more help for bowel troubles? Normafibe [...]
Bladder Urgency and Imbalance of Vaginal Bacteria
Bladder urgency and imbalance of vaginal bacteria Could your bladder urgency be influenced by [...]
Bladder Urgency and Imbalance of Vaginal Bacteria
Bladder urgency and imbalance of vaginal bacteria Could your bladder urgency be influenced by [...]
Is pelvic floor weakness linked to the vaginal microbiome?
Is pelvic floor weakness linked to the vaginal microbiome? I couldn’t help being magnetically [...]
Vaginal microbiome: does electrical stimulation help?
Vaginal microbiome: does electrical stimulation help? A healthy vaginal microbiome is generally reflected [...]
The Urogenital Universe – Episode 1: Which vaginal estrogen product isn’t as good for lactobacilli
The Urogenital Universe - Episode 1: Which vaginal estrogen product isn't as good [...]
The Gut Digest – Ep. 2: How to reduce constipation in your patients taking iron
The Gut Digest - Episode 2: How to reduce constipation in your patients [...]
The Gut Digest: Lactulose and Lactose Intolerance
The Gut Digest - Episode 1: Lactulose and Lactose Intolerance Gut problems…so common [...]
Nutrition and Tendinopathy: Is Your Diet “Inflamm-ageing” Your Tendons?
Worn out and ready for a trade-in…where’s the spare parts bin? That’s how [...]
Addressing Your Patient’s Gut Microbiome – A Structured Approach
Three gut-wrenching clinical scenarios: one, the postmenopausal patient with soul-destroying faecal incontinence you just can’t get a [...]
Nutrition and Your Patients’ Bowels (for the non-nutrition clinician!)
Your first patient (prolapse) has chronic constipation, with bowels about as lively as an [...]
Doing more for your patients with vaginal itch and urogenital irritation
Pop quiz for pelvic physios: what is the common denominator in these patient presentations? (These [...]
Skating For Your Pelvic Floor: Part 2 – Precautions
Skating can be brilliant exercise for your pelvic floor for so many reasons, [...]