A tour of the vulva may sound like a strange concept.
But many women (and men) have a few gaps in their knowledge as far as the vulva goes. This video might help.
(It’s ok if you don’t know what the vulva is. It’s the area downstairs, the area between your legs. Where your vagina is, and all around it.)
Knowing the ins and outs of the vulva and vagina means more self-awareness, less confusion and more empowerment, even if things are going well.
But you might be like many women who struggle with problems in their pelvis like these:
- Chronic itch
- Recurrent thrush
- Painful sex
- Weird discharges
- A strange rash or lump or bump
- Bladder leakage
- Sore tailbone
- Period pain
- No libido, can’t get aroused
- Worried their vulva doesn’t look right
This is where a tour of the vulva is REALLY valuable. It’s your first step to understanding and getting help for your problem.