The Urogenital Universe – Episode 1: Which vaginal estrogen product isn’t as good for lactobacilli


The Urogenital Universe - Episode 1: Which vaginal estrogen product isn't as good for lactobacilli We all know how important estrogen is for vaginal and urogenital health. We have seen it help our patients with urge incontinence, stress incontinence due to intrinsic sphincter deficiency, painful intercourse and even prolapse. But what if an estrogen [...]

The Urogenital Universe – Episode 1: Which vaginal estrogen product isn’t as good for lactobacilli2021-08-03T21:11:28+10:00

Addressing Your Patient’s Gut Microbiome – A Structured Approach


Three gut-wrenching clinical scenarios: one, the postmenopausal patient with soul-destroying faecal incontinence you just can’t get a handle on. Two, the young woman with IBS, sentenced to a frugal restricted diet and miserably lacking in social life because she reacts to everything she eats. Three, the man not even forty whose colonoscopy just showed 47 polyps, staring down the barrel of twice-yearly colonoscopies for the foreseeable [...]

Addressing Your Patient’s Gut Microbiome – A Structured Approach2021-04-22T13:44:59+10:00

Nutrition and Your Patients’ Bowels (for the non-nutrition clinician!)


 Your first patient (prolapse) has chronic constipation, with bowels about as lively as an overstuffed armchair. Your second patient (faecal incontinence) has chronic diarrhoea, and every medical investigation under the sun comes up with a shoulder shrug.*Everyone knows you should increase fibre in constipation.* (Except when increasing fibre causes worse problems…) *In chronic diarrhoea, more fibre would logically be the last thing the patient needs.* (Except when fibre is the therapeutic solution…) Holy [...]

Nutrition and Your Patients’ Bowels (for the non-nutrition clinician!)2021-03-08T08:37:28+10:00

Doing more for your patients with vaginal itch and urogenital irritation


Pop quiz for pelvic physios: what is the common denominator in these patient presentations?   (These are all real patients, but I bet you feel like you have seen them too!)  30-something woman plagued with recurrent thrush and BV (bacterial vaginosis). 30-something woman who had vaginal Group B strep during pregnancy and persistent bladder irritation after. 60-something [...]

Doing more for your patients with vaginal itch and urogenital irritation2021-03-08T08:37:28+10:00

Why You Need to Know More About Curcumin Than Your Musculoskeletal Patients


You’ve all seen it – the mile-long supplement list your patient brings in. Who knows what all those pills do, or if they need them? If your patient has musculoskeletal pain, curcumin is usually there. Does it work? Do they need it? Do they know something you don’t? You don’t want them being taken [...]

Why You Need to Know More About Curcumin Than Your Musculoskeletal Patients2021-05-25T21:56:09+10:00

Safety Signals in Your PPP Patients: the Role of Nutrition


Being a clinician working in persistent pelvic pain (PPP) you’re working with the whole person. Arguably even more than when you specialise in elbows or necks. Persistent pain is complicated, and when it involves the pelvis, it seems to involve even more layers. We can’t understand a woman’s pelvic pain without knowing about her [...]

Safety Signals in Your PPP Patients: the Role of Nutrition2021-03-08T08:37:30+10:00


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